
April Regular Events

This regular event was revived last month!
In April, we will have a BBQ at BEANSTALK, a glamping facility in Yokohama Hostel Village!
Why don't you join us under the warm spring sun with a drink in hand and talk about your expectations and anxieties about your new life?
If your timing is right, you can meet and talk with guests from overseas!
We hope to make this a relaxed and enjoyable party!
Guests and non-guests are welcome to join us!
We will provide drinks and food, but you are welcome to bring your own!
If you are interested in attending, please let us know through the contact form on the hostel's website! (URL below)

Date and Time April 21 (Sun.) 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Place Yokohama Hostel Village Hayashi Kaikan Rooftop
Fee: 1000 yen (500 yen if you bring your own food and drink)
In case of rain, the event will be held at the front desk of the hostel.